Saturday, February 6, 2010


Life can be hard sometimes..
one week could be the best week ever and you could never imagine anything ever changing because its just so good then in the blink of an eye it all went down hill.

i am in the situation now. See, i just moved into this new house with my mom and sister and like i said before we own a greyhound racing kennel at victoryland. Well, of course there always has to be a MAN to mess something good up as my mama says and Bob Riley has made it bad for me and for a lot of familys in Alabama. Well, if this mess he has started gets worse and they shut victoryland down, my mama said she is going to sell our new house and we are moving to Georgia. I usually wouldnt believe her but, Georgia is where my mama's heart is. Her mom, son, heck her whole family is there.

The bad thing about moving back to Georgia is this.. well i will be a junior in high school next year and here in alabama is where my friends, my boyfriend, and just everything i want in my life.... besides my family. But, i have no family in high school so i will still be alone... :( and family will always be there but friends...well friends they drift away, move on.. and i know that if they are true friends they will be there no matter how far apart but its still the thought about it that hurts.

Well thats enough for now. Thank you for reading, i have work in the morning. Goodnight to all.

1 comment:

  1. Keep that chin up chickie....everything will get better....they will settle down and all the "mess" will be straightened out. I could really get on my soap box about this subject but I'll be good and keep it under the desk for now ^_^.

